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Wavelength is the distance between two successive crests or troughs in a wave. And time period is the time taken for the disturbance to move from one crest to the successive one. So wavelength/ wave period (time period) = speed of the wave.

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Q: What does dividing the wavelength by the wave period give you?
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How are wave velocity frequency period and wavelength related?

Wave frequency can be calculated by dividing the speed of the wave (if we're talking about electromagnetic waves in vacuum, that would be the speed of light, c) by wavelength.

How does wave speed relate to wavelength and period?

Wave speed = (wavelength)/(period)

How is wave speed determine?

by dividing wavelength by frequency

How wavelength and wave period can be used to calculate wave speed?

Just divide the wavelength by the wave period, and you've got the wave speed.

How do wavelength and periods relate?

Wavelength*Frequency = Velocity of the wave. or Wavelength/Period = Velocity of the wave.

Distance from any point on a wave to an identical point on the next wave?

Wave Length. Abbr. WL (:

How do you calculate the speed of a wave?

you find out a waves speed by taking the wavelength and divide it by it's wave period or how long it takes for the wave to complete a full wavelength. This is what my textbook said. Speed=Wavelength ×Frequency

How do you find the period of the wave?

Period = Wavelength / Velocity

How far in terms of wave length does a wave travel in one period?

A wave period is the time for one complete cycle; therefore, a period is the same as one wavelength

If a wave has a wavelength of 9 meters and a period of 0.006 what is the velocity of the wave?

The speed of the wave is equal to wavelength x frequency. You can calculate the frequency, in this case, as 1 / period.

How do you find wavelength with a frequency of 372 and a measurement of 9.5 centimeters?

Wavelength is found by dividing the wave speed by its frequency. The speed should be in meters per second and the frequency in Hertz. this will give you the wavelength in meters. In this particular question, you will first have to determine the time taken for the wave to cover 9.5 cm in order to find the speed of the wave.

Formula for wavelenghth?

Wave Speed multiplied by Wave Period = Wavelength