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11mo ago

Four and four equal eight.

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Q: What does four and four equal?
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Four fives do not equal 18 - they equal 20.

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A rectangle with four equal sides and four equal angels?


What shape has four equal sides and four equal angels?


What quadrilateral has 4 equal sides but not 4 equal angles?

A Rhombus has four equal sides but not (necessarily) four equal angles.

What has four sides of equal length?

A Square has four equal length sides

It has four angles that are equal in measure and four sides that are equal in measure?

A square

What figure has exactly four equal sides and four equal angles?

A figure with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles is a square :)

Four quarts equal how many ounces?

Four quarts equal 128 ounces.

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Four tenths equal forty hundredths

What shape has four equal sides and four right angles but not equal length?

The rectangle

What the name of the rectangle with four equal sides?

If it has four equal sides, it is a parallelogram. If the angles are also equal, it would be a square.