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Q: What does increasing the surface area do to the speed of dissolving?
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How does breaking up a solid speed dissolving in liquid?

By breaking up the solid, you are creating more surface area. Therefore, increasing the surface area will speed up dissolution.

What will increasing the surface area of a solid do to the dissolving rate of that solid?

It will increase it, as more of the outer surface of the solid is incontact with the liquid that it is dissolving in. :)

How does grinding speed up dissolving?

By grinding the surface area of the sample increase and the contact between the solvent and solute is improved.

Why does crushing a substance speed up reaction rate?

You are increasing the surface area for the substance to react

Why does crushing a solid increase the speed at which the solid dissolves?

ALL reactions (apart from Nuclear) take place on the surface. By crushing the solid you are increasing the surface area and also the SA/Volume ratio. This increased surface area increases the area available for the dissolution reaction.

How does surface area affect dissolving?

Directly proportional

How does increasing the amount of solvent speed up the dissolving process?

By breaking up the solute, the surface area between the solute and solvent is increased, meaning the solute can more easily dissolve into it's components.

What three factors can speed up the rate of something dissolving?

Three factors that speed up the rate of dissolution are increased temperature, increased surface area, and stirring the mixture.

How does surface area of an object affect gravity?

increasing the surface area of reactants in a solid form the speed of reaction is increased the contact between the solid reactants or liquids and gas.

Will a substance dissolve faster if it is ground into powder first?

The dissolution rate of a substance is affected by the surface area that can react with the liquid it is dissolving in. Powdering it increases the surface area so it increases the dissolving rate.

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Why is a cell forced to divide?

it's the problem of surface area -to- volume ratio that mean there is no fitting between increasing of surface area and increasing of volume