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It usually means that the end point is included in the range of values that you are intereted in.

For example, a graph of 0 ≤ x < 1 would have a solid dot at 0 and a hollow circle at 1

while a graph of 0 < x ≤ 1 would have a hollow circle at 0 and a solid dot at 1.

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Q: What does it mean when you have a solid dot on your graph?
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If the inequality includes 'or equal' then use a solid dot [the value is included]. If it doesn't use 'or equal' then use the open dot.

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use a line graph. Place a solid dot at 4. Shade the entire region to the left of 4.x is Less than shade Left.* * * * * The above answer is so very wrong - it has missed out the key word "absolute".Use a line graph. Put a solid dot at -4 and another solid dot at +4 and join them. Every point on the line (including the two end points) is the graph.

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A dot plot