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a row means an observation if there are many rows.

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Q: What does observation mean in statistics?
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What is Xi in statistics?

Xi usually refers to an observation or a value in statistics. It is the i'th observation. If there were 10 observations, X5 refers to the fifth observation. In general, Xi refers to the ith observation where i may range from 1 to 10 in this case.

In statistics what is summation?

in statistics, summation denoted by upper case sigma, is used to find the sum of a series of observation in a particular variable.

What is ungrouped data in statistics?

It is a dataset in which each individual observation is retained separately.

What does direct observation mean?

An indirect observation is a research technique making use of pre-recorded behaviors. This involves things like statistics tables of reactions of materials, or other such records.

What is unsystematic observation mean?

casual observation

What could be an observation?

something which you can directly see,in science. in statistics it would be something you can descibe or attach a number to. for example if you were to say there are 50people on wikianswers that would be an observation.

What research methods do geographers use?

Direct Observation, mapping, interviewing, statistics, and the use of technology.

Which statistics are used to construct a confidence interval?

The parameters of the underlying distribution, plus the standard error of observation.

What does Sx2 mean in statistics?

In statistics, this is the symbol for the "Variance"

What is an unusually small or unusually large observation in statistics?

It may be an outlier, but if not, it is probably the more interesting feature of the observations.

Mean of 25 observation is 36 but mean of first 13 observation is 32 and mean of last 13 observation is 40 find 13nth observation?

25 x36 = 900 13 x 32 = 416 13 x 40 = 520 ----- 936 936-900 = 36 (13th observation)

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.