

What does octagon mean?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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15y ago

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An octagon is a polygon that has 8 sides.

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How many verticles in octagon?

If you mean vertices, there are eight in an octagon.

Is an octogan a rigid shape?

If you mean an octagon then it is an 8 sided polygon

How many sizes does an octagon have?

Do you mean sides? That's 8. If you mean sizes, as you spelled it, then a given octagon has only one size, but the shape generally referred to as an "octagon" can have an infinite number of sizes.

What is figure 8?

I think you mean an octagon.

Does an octagon have parrellel sides?

You mean lines or sides? But,octagon has parallel lines. Um, four parallel lines.

How many figures does a octagon has?

Oct" is Latin for Eight. An Octagon would mean it can be divided into eight even parts

How many segments are in an octagon figure?

"Oct" is Latin for Eight. An Octagon would mean it can be divided into eight even parts

How do you draw a outagon?

Do you mean Octagon? An octagon is an eight sided polygon. If you live in the USA: A stop sign is a great example.

What does the prefix octagon mean?

An octagon is an eight-sided shape. The prefix is octa-, meaning eight. -Gon refers to the shape.

Does a octagon have a at least one right side?

I have no idea what you mean with "right side". If you mean "straight side", it is normally implied that in a polygon, such as an octagon, ALL sides are straight.

What does octagon mean in greek word meanings?

Octagon derives from Octo and Gonia. Octo means eight, gonia means angle. So, a shape of eight angles, is called an octagon.

How much parallel angles does a octagon have?

If you mean parallel sides then a regular 8 sided octagon has 4 pairs of parallel sides