

What does raised number mean?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What does raised number mean?
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What does exp mean in a mathematical equation?

it can either mean the number e raised as an exponent or it can mean just simply and exponent.

Can horned lizards be raised?

If you mean can they be bred - then yes ! I've successfully bred them for a number of years.

Can you have more than one exponent on top of a number?

Yes, you can, but it starts getting complicated. You can, for example have a number raised to an exponent that is itself a number raised to an exponent, or you can have a number raised to an exponent and the result raised to another exponent.

When a number is raised to zero does it have the same value as another number is raised to a zero?

Yes because any number raised to the power of zero is always equal to 1

What is a number raised to the second power?

A number raised to the second power is a number times itself. This can also be stated as a number squared.

What is a power?

By 'a power' I would understand you to mean a number raised to a power, such as 43. You can then refer to this as 'four to the power of three'

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When a negative number is raised to an even power the result is a positive number

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raised temperature or raised temperarely

What are raised numbers called?

The raised number, or exponent, is the number of times the base is used as a factor.

What does a number raised to the power of 1 equal?

Any number raised to the power of 1 is equal to itself.

What does a number raised to the power of 0 equal?

Any number raised to the power 0 equals 1.

What does raised to the fourth power mean?

If a number is raised to the fourth power, it is multiplied by itself four times. For example, 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16.