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X^2 + Y^2 = 36

Y^2 = 36 - X^2

Y = (+/-)sqrt(36 - X^2)

A circle. X = (+/-) 6

Y = (+/-) 6

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Q: What does the graph of x squared plus y squared equals thirty six look like?
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What does y equals x squared look like on a graph?

A U shaped parabola

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The equation is y=x(x+1)(x-2)2

How do you graph y equals x squared minus 4?

its a simple parobola symmetric about y axis, having its vertex at (0,-4). we can make its graph by changing its equation in standard form so that we can get its different standard points like vertex, focus, etc.

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24 squared is 24 x 24 or 24^2 which equals 576.

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The picture of the graph is in the related links section.

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Draw the graph of negative X squared plus 5 minus X cubed and find the values of x where it intersects the x axis.

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Eight squared is like saying you take eight multiplied by eight. In this case it equals out to sixty four.

What does the graph of x minus x squared look like?

the x-axis... obviously! the x-axis... obviously!

What is graph of the function y equals X2?

It looks like a parabola which looks like a U shape.

How Does Y equals X squared graph look like?

that's one It would start at 0,0, move right and up at a 45-degree angle to 1,1, then bend VERY SHARPLY upward, quickly resembling a straight, perfectly vertical line.

What does the graph for X equals y2 plus 1 look like?

im not sure sure but i think it is squares on paper and a graph then put the information on to it durr.... ;]

What is a number that means to multiply by itself?

a square number e.g 5 squared would be like 5x5 so 5 squared equals 25 and 5x5=25