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it means the 13 colonies better join as one to fight the revelatory war or they all die

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Q: What does the slogan join or die mean?
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When ben Franklin said join or die what did he mean?

He is saying, join all the colonies together and if they don't they would die if they are by them self. If you see all the snake's parts, they are separated and each one stands for a colony.

What does v mean in the join or die?


Did join or die mean to fight for freedom or die?

I think so.

What is slogan saving an earth?

Join the team, Play it green

Who coined the do or die slogan?

Benjamin Franklin coined the slogan "Do or Die."

What does the slogan do or die mean?

I'm not sure, but I think it might mean "go for it, it may be your last chance" or something along those lines :)

Did the Join or die cartoon mean start the revolution?

I don't think that,,

Who have given the slogan do or die?


What is slogan mean to you?

a catchphrase.

What was Lewis and Clarks campaign slogan?

be one of the best and join the expedition to the west . kirr (:

Who used the slogan do or die?

mahatma ghandhi

What is a good slogan for botulism?

"Cereal to die for!"