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The median is one of the averages (Mean, median and mode). which is such that exactly half the data items are greater than it and half are less than it; it is is found by listing all the data items in numerical (number line) order and then:

* if there is an odd number of data items it is the one in the middle;

* otherwise there are an even number of data items and it is the mean average of the middle two.

The mean average is calculated by adding all the data items together and dividing by the number of items.

The mean average is the average most people will think of if the unqualified word "average" is used. There are occasions when the mean and median averages can differ significantly - the mean is susceptible to extremes in the data set; if someone wants to make a point, they will often use one as an unqualified "average" (without specifying which), where the other may be very revealing.

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