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A hexagon.

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Q: What figure Has three pairs of parallel sides?
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Which figure can never have 2 pairs of parallel sides?

A triangle. It has only three sides!

I have three pairs of parallel sides but no perpendicular sides?

You are a hexagon...

How many how many parallel sides does a hexagon have have?

A regular hexagon has 6 parallel sides (3 pairs)

What is a solid figure with three pairs of parallel sides and all faces are congruent?

A cube would fit the given description

Is it possible to have a heptagon with three pairs of parallel sides?


What solid figure has three pairs of parallel parallel faces and all faces are congruent?

A cube has three pairs of parallel faces and all faces are congruent.

How many parallel sides does an octagon have?

An octagon can have 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 parallel sides. A regular octagon has 4 pairs of 2 parallel sides, (8 parallel sides in all).

What 3 shapes have three pairs of parallel sides?


No right angles all sides are equal three pairs of parallel sides?


How many interior angles in a parellelogram?

A parallelogram is, conventionally, a four sided figure with two sets of parallel sides and four interior angles. Some people argue that hexagons (with three pairs of parallel lines), octagons (4 pairs) and, generally, 2n-gons with n pairs of parallel sides should also be considered parallelograms.

What is the largest possible number of parallel sides in a hexagon?

Providing that it is a regular 6 sided hexagon then it will have 3 pairs of opposite parallel sides. Though an irregular hexagon (shaped as the outline of an L) can have 2 sets of three parallel sides.

What triangle has at least two sides that are parallel?

A triangle cannot have two parallel sides. In order for a figure to be a triangle, it must be a closed figure with three sides and three angles. If two of the sides were parallel, there is no way the figure could be closed by only one other line.