

What figure makes two squares?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What figure makes two squares?
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A solid figure. four of its faces are squares and two faces are rectangles?

A cuboid.

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A rectangular prism

Why can all squares be classified as parallelograms but not all parallelograms can be classified as squares?

A parallelogram is a four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel. Squares and rectangles are two examples of parallelograms. A square is a four-sided figure that has four equal sides, and opposite sides are parallel.

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A Snow Man!!

How do you find the are of a figure?

You count the inside squares of the figure.

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A quadrilateral is any four-sided two-dimensional figure. Parallelograms such as squares and rectangles are also quadrilaterals.

What shape does a triangle and a parallelogram makes?

Assuming they don't overlap, these are some of the possible shapes: a concave pentagon, a trapezium, a concave seven or eight sided figure (neither of the last two is a polygon but two polygons touching one another).

What figure has 24 squares?

A Square which has been divided up into 24 smaller squares.

What are two figures that have reflections that look exactly like the original figure?

The two figures that have reflections that look exactly like the original figure are squares and equilateral triangles.Name another reason. Thank you.

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