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The fraction is 3/5.

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Q: What fraction of numbers between 0 and 0.25 will round down when rounded to 1 decimal place?
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Is it true that every fraction can be written as a decimal?

Any fraction composed of real numbers can be written as a decimal approximation.However, some irrational numbers, like Pi, are never-ending as decimals, and must be rounded off.

What is 66 and two third percent in fraction and decimal form?

It is: 66 and 2/3% = 2/3 as a fraction and 0.67 as a decimal rounded to two decimal places

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If that is a rounded repeating decimal then it is 38/9. If that is a terminating decimal then it is 3888888888888889/1000000000000000

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There are an infinite number of rational numbers between 1.3 and 1.32 - however, the only number rounded to two decimal places between the two numbers is 1.31.

What is 170.666667 as an improper fraction?

If the number was rounded to 6 decimal places then the improper fraction would be 152/3

19 -13 what percent did you lose?

Rounded to two decimal places, 100 - ((13/19) x 100) = 31.58% Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, the percentage decrease between the two numbers is 31.58 percent.

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As there is no decimal point in your set of numbers it is impossible to round it to three decimal places.

How to make your calculator stop displaying 0.666666 when you divide 6 into 9?

If you divide 6 into 9, the calculator will never display 0.666...; it will display 1.5 (the correct value). If you mean when dividing 6 BY 9, then depending upon the make and model it may, or may not, be possible. The more recent Casio calculators have an option in the setup which allow for either the fraction or the recurring decimal to be displayed: When using LineIO, the default is to display in rounded decimal format and there is no option; however, if you have a [S↔D] button, that will rotate between fraction, recurring decimal and rounded decimal display format. When using MathIO, you can set LineIO output (as above) or MathIO output which defaults to a fraction, but use of the [S↔D] button will rotate between recurring decimal, rounded decimal and fraction form. Alternatively, the less recent Casio calculators can convert the rounded decimal to fraction format (and back again) by pressing the [a b/c] button. For other brands I cannot say as I haven't got any.

What is a number 6.32 rounded to a decimal but lower than 6.32?

There are infinitely many numbers between 6.315 and 6.31999... (repeating) which will meet the requirements.

What is 19.05 rounded to one decimal place?

19.05 rounded to one decimal place is 19.1. Numbers above 5 (inclusive) round up, numbers below round down. To be accurate do not round unnecessarily.