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The liver stores 1/3 of the glycogen, while muscles will store the other 2/3.

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Q: What fraction of the body's total glycogen content is found in the live?
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Tissue in body with highest glycogen content?

Glycogen are found principally in the liver. Glycogen is a polymer of glucose residues linked by α-(1,4)- and α-(1,6)-glycosidic bonds. A second major source of stored glucose is the glycogen of skeletal muscle. , muscle glycogen is not generally available to other tissues, because muscle lacks the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase.

What is a polysaccharide that stores energy in your muscles and liver?

I believe its glycogen found in liver and muscles which is made of glucose to give us energy

Where is most of the body's glycogen found?

Muscles contain the most glycogen..........

What are the storage forms of carbohydrates found in animals?

Glycogen and Glucose.

What type of polysaccharide is found in potatoes?

Starch is found potatoes, not Glycogen. Glycogen is the plant equivalent of animal glycogen. A potato has starch but no glycogen; muscle cells have glycogen but no starch. The starch we eat is broken into glucose in the stomach/small intest and then reassembled in the muscle cells as glycogen.

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Which polysaccharide is found in animal tissue?


What kind of sugar can be found in animals?

the answer is glycogen

What organ in a mammal is responsible for storing glycogen?

Mainly the liver but Glycogen is also found in muscles too.

Which organ in a mammal is responsible for strong glycogen?

Mainly the liver but Glycogen is also found in muscles too.

Do plants store glycogen?

Nonexistent. Glycogen isn't in plants.