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(all numbers ending in 7, as well as 70 to 79)

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Q: What fraction of the numbers from 0 to 99 contain the number 7?
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Is 9.9 irrational?

99 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

How many 2's whole numbers between 0 and 99 contain the digit?

greatest two digit number is 99. smallest whole number is 0 there fore 99-0=99

What's the fraction of 495 99?

495/99 = 5 which is a whole number, not a proper fraction.

Write 99 percent as a fraction and a decimal number?

Fraction: 99/100 Decimal: 0.99

Write 99 percent as a fraction and a decimal number.?

99%99% = 99/10099/100 = 0.9999/100 is the fraction.0.99 is the decimal.

How many two-digit numbers do not contain the number 9?

There are 90 two digit numbers, 10 through 99. There are 18 two digit numbers containing a 9. They are 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, and 90 through 99. Therefore, there are 72 two digit numbers that do not contain a 9.

What is 1.101010 repeating as a fraction?

1.101010... = 1 10/99 (as a mixed number) = 109/99 (as an improper fraction)

How do you write the fraction 99 and 100as a decmial number?

99/100 = 0.99

Does a fraction represent a number between zero and ten?

yes, a number between 1-99 is a fraction.

Is 99 a even or odd number?

99 is an odd number. Even numbers are evenly divisible by two, while odd numbers are not.

What are rational numbers that are not integars?

Integers are whole numbers, with no fraction or decimal part. Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed in the form a/b where a and b are both integers. Thus 1/2 is a rational number, but not an integer. 0.34343434... is a rational number (as it can be expressed as 34/99) but is not an integer.

How many 2-digit numbers are there from 0 to 99?

99.Because if you do 0 minus 99 whats the answer?99.So it has 99 numbers in a 2-digit number.