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When an inequality is multiplied or divided by a negative number the inequality sign is reversed.

Example : -x < 7 ......after multiplying by (say) -2 this becomes 2x > -14

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Q: What happens when you multiply or divide an inequalitie by a negative number?
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What happens when you multiply or divide by a negative?

the answer becomes negative

If you divide a negative number by a negative number will you get a positive number?

You will end up with a positive number. With integers, if you multiply or divide an even amount of negative numbers, the answer will be positive and if you multiply or divide an odd amount, the answer will be negative.

What happens if you multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number?

The inequality sign changes direction. So 2&lt;3 Multiply by -2 and you get -4&gt;-6 (similarly with division).

What happens when you divide a negative by a negative?

a negative divided by a negative is a positive

How can you Make a negative number into a positive value?

You can multiply or divide it by any negative number.

How do you divide a negative number by a positive fraction?

You multiply the negative number by the reciprocal of the fraction.

How many positive things to reverse a negative?

- * - = + - * + = - + * + = + - / - = + - / + = - + / + = + *= multiply /=divide

If you add a negative and a negative what do you get?

Adding negatives? You get a negative. But if you multiply/divide 2 negatives, that's a positive.

Do two negative integers equal a positive?

Only when you divide or multiply.

When does the sign change in inequalities?

whenever you multiply or divide by a negative number

What happens when you divide a negative number by i?

-N/i=-Ni/(i*i) = (multiply top and bottom by i -Ni/-1 = Ni (i times i) = -1 You get a positive number (N) times i.

What happens when you divide two negative numbers?

GenelleBabee: it becomes a positive because when you multiply two negatives it becomes a positive, &amp; it's the same thing with division.