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A square has that.

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Q: What has 4 faces and all sides are congurent?
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Does a square have 4 congurent sides?

Yes it does.

What shape has 4 sides. all sides are congurent. opposite sides are parallel. opposite sides are congruent. no angles are right sides.?

A rhombus (4 congruent sides, diagonals perpendicular)that is not also a square (no right angles), andis also a parallelogram (opposite sides parallel and congruent, opposite angles congruent). It is also a quadrilateral, which has 4 sides.

Is every quadrilateral with 4 congurent sides a square?

A square is one possibility the other possibility is a rhombus which is a quadrilateral with 4 equal sides and 2 pairs of parallel lines

Does a rectangle have 4 faces?

NO!!!! A rectangle has FOUR(4) sides. A tetrahedron has four faces.

What shape has less than 5 sides and all of its sides are equal?

triangular pyramid-4 equal faces

What has a base with 4 equal sides triangular faces?

A square pyramid has a base with 4 equal sides and triangular faces.

How many faces has a rhombus?

a rhombus has 4 sides (4 lines that make the shape). I don't think it is called faces.

Rectangle has how many faces?

A rectangle has NO faces. A rectangle has FOUR(4) Sides.

What type of prism has 4 sides?

No type of pyramid can have 4 sides, it can have only 4 faces.

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How may edges faces and sides does a pyramid have?

4 faces, 8 edges, and 4 vertices.

How sides does a tetrahedron has?

A tetrahedron has 4 faces.