

What has curve and two circles?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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12y ago

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A cylinder

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Q: What has curve and two circles?
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What is a curve between two points called?

The curve between two points is known as an arc. Arcs and circles are used extensively in geometry. They are used in the real world by engineers and digital artists.

How many curve surfaces are there on a cylinder?

A cylinder has one closed "cylindrical" (circular) surface and two circles at each end. ======================

What is the measure of arc XY?

It depends on where arc XY is: on a circles, a parabola or some other curve; and what else you know about the curve.

What shapes have no vertices?

Circles are the most common. Any smooth curve has no vertices.

What is the function of a standard french curve?

french curve is used to connect arce and semi-circles, such as the neckline, armholes , and collar. it is either made of flat metal or wood.

What is French curve?

A French curve is a tool used to draw different curves there are lots of swirls and circles so if a circle guide isn't good enough the French curve can draw and curves possible.

If the diameters of two circles are the equal are the two circles congruent?


What two numbers could the circles represent?

With two circles you can get 8 and ∞.

Which Conic sections describes a closed curve?

Circles, parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas are all conic sections. Out of these conic sections, the circle and ellipse are the ones which define a closed curve.

What has 2 circles?

A cylinder has two circles as its bases.

What is two or more circles with same center called?

Concentric circles.

Solid shape with two faces that are congruent circles?

a cylinder has two faces that are circles