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Q: What has more volume 1 kg lead or 1 kg feathers?
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What has more mass 1 kg of lead or 1 kg of feathers?

Neither!!! They both have the same mass at 1 kg. However, the feathers will occupy a greater volume.

Why does 1kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1kg of feathers?

lead is much more dense than feathers, so 1 kg of lead occupies much less space (volume) than 1 kg of feathers

Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1 kg of feathers?

Although they both weigh the same, the kg of feathers would be much more unwieldy, due to its volume. If the feathers were being carried in an open container, on a windy day, when you reached your destination, you would most likely have many less feathers than when you started!

Why does a kilogram of lead have a bigger density than a kilogram of feathers?

The density of a material is defined as its mass per unit volume. A given volume of lead has more mass than a given volume of feathers. In common usage mass often refers to weight, but that is not a very exact usage of it. For this question it may be useful however to think of a given weight of lead per volume and a given weight of feathers.If you have a kg of lead, that is a small piece, a kg of feathers is a large amount.So for a given volume, say a cubic centimeter, the weight of lead is much more than the weight of feathers.

What has more mass 10 kilograms of feathers or 6 kilograms of lead?

10 kg is greater than 6 kg. kg is the unit of mass. Hence feather has more mass than lead in this case.

Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1 kg feathers?

Although they both weigh the same, the kg of feathers would be much more unwieldy, due to its volume. If the feathers were being carried in an open container, on a windy day, when you reached your destination, you would most likely have many less feathers than when you started!

Why does a kg of sand take up less space then a kg of feathers?

Because sand is a more dense substance than feathers - it has a larger mass-to-volume ratio.

Which has more mass 1 kilogram of feathers or 1 kilogram of bricks?

Neither. They both have the same mass. "kg" is a measurement of mass. If you meant volume (the space taken up by the object), the feathers would have the greater volume.

Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry around that 1 kg of feathers?

Lead is denser than feathers, therefore it would be smaller for the same weight. (feathers may be safer in the long run due to health effects ;) )

What is the volume of 4.56 kilogram?

4.56 kg of what? 4.56 kg of hydrogen has a different volume than 4.56 kg of lead.

Which is heaviera kg of stones or a kg of feathers?

It's a trick question relying on your preconception that feathers are lighter. They of course weigh the same a kg of versus a kg of. Of course it will take a heck of lot more feathers.

Why is a kg of lead heavier than a kg of feathers and flour?

It is not. They have exactly the same mass and so must have the same weight.