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Angle 1 = 30 degrees

Angle 2 = 50 degrees

Angle 3 = 100 degrees.

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Q: What if The second angle of a triangle is 20 degrees greater than the first angle. The third is twice the second. Find the three angles.?
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What is the measure of the third angle of a triangle if one angle measures 15 degrees and the other measures 85 degrees?

The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. First, calculate the sum of the two known angles. Then subtract that result from 180. That difference is the measure of the third unknown angle. Given: One angle of a triangle is 15 degrees and the second angle of the triangle is 85 degrees. To find: We need to find the third angle of the triangle. Let the third angle of the triangle be x. We know that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. ==> 15 degrees + 85 degrees + x degrees = 180 degrees. ==> 100 degrees + x degrees = 180 degress. ==> x = 180 degrees - 100 degrees. ==> x = 80 degress. Therefore the third angle of the triangle is 80 degrees.

The sum of the first two angles of a triangle are twice the measure of the third angle The first angle is half of the second angle What are the three angles?

The angles are 40, 80 and 60 degrees.

A right triangle has 32 degree angle find measures of other two angles?

90 degrees and 78 degrees since one of the angles must be 90 degrees. We have 90+32=122 which is the second angle. Now the sum of the angles is 180 so 180-122=78 which is the third angle.

What is an asa triangle?

ASA is not a triangle, it is a method of proving that two triangles are congruent. ASA refers to showing that if two angles and a side (Angle-Side-Angle) of one triangle are the same measures as the corresponding angles and side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. Since the three angles sum to 180 degrees, if two of them in one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles in the second triangle, then the third set of angles must also be equal. Consequently, ASA is equivalent to AAS and SAA. That is NOT The case with two sides and an angle, where it must be the included angle that is equal.

Can an obtuse triangle have a right angle as one of its angles give reason?

No The reason is that an obtuse angle is over 90o so with a second angle of 90o you already have angles totalling more than 180o which is impossible in a triangle.

Related questions

What is the measure of the third angle of a triangle if one angle measures 15 degrees and the other measures 85 degrees?

The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. First, calculate the sum of the two known angles. Then subtract that result from 180. That difference is the measure of the third unknown angle. Given: One angle of a triangle is 15 degrees and the second angle of the triangle is 85 degrees. To find: We need to find the third angle of the triangle. Let the third angle of the triangle be x. We know that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. ==> 15 degrees + 85 degrees + x degrees = 180 degrees. ==> 100 degrees + x degrees = 180 degress. ==> x = 180 degrees - 100 degrees. ==> x = 80 degress. Therefore the third angle of the triangle is 80 degrees.

The sum of the first two angles of a triangle are twice the measure of the third angle The first angle is half of the second angle What are the three angles?

The angles are 40, 80 and 60 degrees.

What are 26 facts and their applications of angles from A to Z in consecutive order?

Angles and their geometrical applications from A to Z are as follows:- 1 Acute angles are greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees 2 Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal 3 Circumference of a circle has 360 degrees 4 Degrees, minutes and seconds are measurements of angles 5 Exterior angles of polygons add up to 360 degrees 6 F as a letter has corresponding equal angles 7 Greater the angle then greater the turn or rotation 8 Hexagon has 6 angles that add up to 720 degrees 9 Isosceles triangle has 3 interior angles adding to 180 degrees 10 Joint angles of 95 and 85 degrees are supplementary or 180 degrees 11 Kite has 4 interior angles which add up to 360 degrees 12 L as a letter has a right angle which means 90 degrees 13 Minute is 1/60 of a degree 14 Nonagon has 9 inner angles that total 1260 degrees 15 Obtuse angle is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees 16 Perpendicular lines intercept at right angles 17 Quadrilaterals have 4 inside angles with a sum of 360 degrees 18 Reflex angles are greater than 180 but less than 360 degrees 19 Second is 1/60 of a minute 20 Triangles all have 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees 21 Undecagon has 11 sides with inner angles of 1620 degrees 22 Vertical opposite angles are equal 23 West has a bearing of 270 degrees from north 24 X as a letter creates vertical opposite equal angles 25 Y axis forms 90 degrees with the X axis on the Cartesian plane 26 Z as a letter has equal alternate angles

If you know the degrees of two angles in a triangle but must find out the third would you add the two angles and divide by 2?

No. The three angles, together add to 180 degrees. So you should add the two angles and take their sum away from 180. Example: first angle 35 degrees, second angle 75 degrees 1. Sum of first two angles = 35 + 75 = 110 degrees. 2. 180 degrees - 110 degrees = 70 degrees. 3. Answer: third angle = 70 degrees.

What are a score or more facts about angles in geometry?

1 Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds 2 Angles can be measured with a protractor 3 Angles can be found using trigonometry 4 Angles in a regular polygon are equal 5 Angles around a circle is a full rotation of 360 degrees 6 Angles around a point add up to 360 degrees 7 Angles in a polygon are: (n-2)*180 whereas 'n' is the number of its sides 8 Angles greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees are acute 9 Angle of 90 degrees is a right angle 10 Angles greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees are obtuse 11 Angles greater than 180 degrees are reflex 12 Angle of elevation is looking up at an object 13 Angle of depression is looking down at an object 14 Angles are formed when a transversal line cuts through parallel lines 15 Angles of 90 degrees are formed when perpendicular lines meet 16 Angles can be bisected with a compass and a straight edge 17 Angle of the tangent of a right angle triangle is: opposite/adjacent 18 Angle of the sine of a right angle triangle is: opposite/hypotenuse 19 Angle of the cosine of a right angle triangle is: adjacent/hypotenuse 20 Angle of rotation is used in a transformation on the Cartesian plane 21 Angles that meet at 180 degrees on a straight line are supplementary 22 Angles that form a right angle are complementary 23 Angles of 360 degrees once represented a year in ancient Babylonian 24 Angles of 518,400 degrees are passed by the minute hand of a clock in a day and 31,104,000 degrees by its second hand in 24 hours

A right triangle has 32 degree angle find measures of other two angles?

90 degrees and 78 degrees since one of the angles must be 90 degrees. We have 90+32=122 which is the second angle. Now the sum of the angles is 180 so 180-122=78 which is the third angle.

In a triangle the measure of the first angle is 24 degrees more than the measure of the second angle. The measure of the third angle is four times the measure of the second angle. If the total number?

In a triangle the measure of the first angle is four times the measure of the second angle. The measure of the third angle is 18 degrees more than the second angle. What is the measure of the first angle? 68 43 17 95

What is an asa triangle?

ASA is not a triangle, it is a method of proving that two triangles are congruent. ASA refers to showing that if two angles and a side (Angle-Side-Angle) of one triangle are the same measures as the corresponding angles and side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. Since the three angles sum to 180 degrees, if two of them in one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles in the second triangle, then the third set of angles must also be equal. Consequently, ASA is equivalent to AAS and SAA. That is NOT The case with two sides and an angle, where it must be the included angle that is equal.

Two angles are supplementary and one of them is 30 degrees what is the measurement of the second angle?

Two angles are supplementary and one of them is 30 degrees what is the measurement of the second house

If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the included side of a second triangle then the two triangles are congruent This is known as what?


If two angles are supplementary and one of them is 30 degrees what is the measurement of the second angle?

If two angles are supplementary, and one angle measures 30 degrees, then the second angle must measure 150 degrees. This is because by definition if two angles are supplementary, then they must up to 180 degrees.

What is the meaning of AAA Similarity Theorem?

If three angles of one triangle are congruent to three angles of another triangle then by the AAA similarity theorem, the two triangles are similar. Actually, you need only two angles of one triangle being congruent to two angle of the second triangle.