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Q: What information did the astrolabe and quadrant give them?
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What were Vespucci's navigational tools?

Amerigo used the Astrolabe and the Quadrant

What Navigational tools were invented in the renaissance era for sailors to use?

the compass, the astrolabe, the quadrant and the lead.

What tools did Robert lasalle use?

La Salle used a quadrant, an astrolabe, a sea chart, and a compass. Hope this helps!

What are the instruments in navigation?

the instruments in navigation are gps's, kamals, sextants, cross staff, back staff, mariners astrolabe, quadrant, and octants :)

What kinds of navigational instruments did Renaissance explorers use?

The Sextant, The Nocturnal, The Astrolabe, The Quadrant Cross-staff and Back-staff, Latitude hook, Kamel Hope that helps you

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right quadrant

What is quadrant mean in ancient Rome?

A quadrant was (and still is) an instrument that is used to measure angles up to 90°. It was first used by Ptolemy, the Greco-Roman mathematician, astronomer, geographer and astrologer. He introduced the quadrant as a better kind astrolabe and instrument used by astrologers and navigators locating and predicting the positions of the stars, determining local time and local latitude and for surveying and triangulation.

What instrument did Columbus use to calculate the speed his ship was travelling?

what is the instrument used by Christopher Columbus use to measure speed

What is the tool navigators used to find directions a long time ago?

Ancient mariners used tools called an astrolabe, a sextant, and a quadrant. These instruments were used in conjunction with celestial bodies, sunrises and sunsets.

Give two technological advances that helps the explorers on the open sea?

The compass and the astrolabe

Why did they stop using the astrolabe to find longitude?

Astrolabes can still be found in use today to measure the amount of day light remaining or for general navigation. The Astrolabes was replace by the easier to use Davis quadrant at the end of the 17th century.

What were the two navigational instruments in Prince Henry school?

compass, and the astrolabe