

What is 1.5 of a gallon?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is 1.5 of a gallon?
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What does 15 gallon equal?

15 gallon is 60 quarts.

How many miles per gallon for a Ford F-150?

15 miles to the gallon 15 miles to the gallon

What is bigger 15 pints or gallon?

15 pints 1 gallon is 8 pints 1 pint = 0.12 gallon

Which is more 1 gallon or 15 pints?

One gallon is equal to 8 pints, so 15 pints is greater than 1 gallon.

What is bigger 1 gallon or 15 cups?

1 gallon = 16 cups 1 cup = 0.06 gal

How many cups are in 15over16 gallon?

15/16 gallon equates to 15 cups (US).

How much will it cost me to drive 15 miles if you get 20 miles to the gallon and gas costs 3.00 per gallon?

(15 miles) x (1 gallon / 20 miles) x (3.00 dollar / gallon) = (15 x $3 / 20) = $2.25

Does 15 quarts equal a gallon?

no 1 gallon = 4 quarts 1 quart = 0.25 gallon

Is 1 gallon greater than 15 cups?

Gallon, because 16 cups go into a gallon

How many cups is in 15 gallons?

there are 16 cups in 1 gallon. so 16 cups X 15 gallons= 240 cups.

If there's 15 oz per cup how many pounds per gallon would there be?

15 pounds per gallon

How much gas should it take to go 334 miles if you get 15 miles per gallon?

334/15 assuming miles/gallon (miles per gallon) is constant