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Q: What is 12.4751 rounded down to 2 significant figure?
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What is 0.030949 rounded to 3 significant figures?

The first significant figure is the first number which is not zero (in this case, it is the three). All numbers beyond this are significant. So the third significant figure is the 9. In this case, the number rounds down to 0.0309

Are you supposed to round while doing significant figures?

62 rounded to one significant figure is 60. 57 rounded to one significant figure is 60. 573 rounded to one significant figure is 600. 0.0573 rounded to one significant figure is 0.06. In each of these answers the 6 is the only significant figure.

645533 round to three significant figure?

For doing significant figure you down count from the start the required amount, so 645533 would become 646000.

How many significant figures are in 14052 km?

There are 5. The zero is only ignored when it follows all other non-zero digits If it were 14,520 - the 0 would not be significant ... because the figure could be 14,524 rounded down or even 14,515 rounded up. However, if it were 14,520.0, there would be 5, with the "uncertain" number being the trailing 0

What is the estimate sum of 8.91 plus 1.16?

To quickly estimate a sum, you round both numbers to the nearest easy significant figure. In this case 8.91 can be rounded up to 9. 1.16 can be rounded down to 1. You then complete the sum with the rounded figures. 9+1 = 10, so the estimate of 8.91+1.16 is 10.

How do you round 21.3 to a whole number?

As the tenths digit is a 3, then the figure is rounded down, giving 21 as the answer.

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How do you round 0.29429697?

Starting at the second digit after the decimal, if it is between 0 and 4, you round the first digit down. If it is between 5 and 9, you round it up. If the third digit is between 0 and 4, you round the second digit down. If it is between 5 and 9, you round the second digit up. Rounded to.......... 1 signifcant figure: .3 2 significant figures: .29 3 significant figures: .294 4 significant figures: .2943 5 significant figures: .29430

How do you round 2.078 to the nearest one?

The figure in the tenths position is a zero, so the number is rounded down, giving 2 as the answer.

What is 35164 to 3 significant figure?

35164 is 35200 rounded to 3 significant figures. To round to 3 sig fig, use the 4th digit to decide whether to round up or down; digits after the first 3 are replaced by zeros: 4th digit is 6, so round up 35164 → 35200 to 3 sig fig.

How do you round 706 to nearest 100?

The figure in the tens position is 0, so the number is rounded down, giving 700 as the answer.

How do you round 621499 to the nearest ten-thousand?

We look at the figure in the thousands place, and as it is a 1, then the number is rounded down. That gives 620000 as the answer.