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1/6 of a cup

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Q: What is 1 third of half of a cup?
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What is one third of one half cup?

1/6 cups which is equivalent to 8 teaspoons

How much is a half a cup and grams?

2 and a half cups of grams equals 1 third of a cup

What is half of one cup and a third?

Half of one cup and a third = two thirds of a cup.

How many 1 third cups are in a half of a cup?

1 ___________________________________ one third cup + 1/2 of one third cup

What is half of one third cup of sugar?

1/2 x 1/3 = 1/6 cup

Is one half cup and one third equal two thirds?

no, it will be slightly bigger, 1 half is 1/6 larger than 1 third so 1 half and a third is 1/6 larger than 2/3

What is the measurement difference between a half of a cup and a third of a cup?

Two-thirds a cup is larger than one-half cup.

How much is one third of one half of a cup?

One third of one half of anything is one sixth of the same thing.

What is half of a third of cup?

It would be one sixth of a cup.Multiply 1/3 by 1/2.

Is one third of a cup more than quarter of a cup?

No. One half (1/2) is more than one third (1/3). If you share a cup of ice cream between two people, you each get one half. If it is shared among three people, you each get one third. Would you rather have half a cup, or a third of a cup?

How many thirds of a cup are in a cup?

There are 16 tablespoons in a cup, which equals out to a little less than 5 and a half (5 1/2) tablespoons in a third cup (1/3 cup).

What is one half of one third of a cup?

To calculate this, it is easiest to convert to cups to teaspoons, and then to tablespoons for the final answer.1 cup is equal to 16 tablespoons, or 48 teaspoons.1/3 cup is equal to 16 teaspoons.Therefore, one-half of 1/3 cup is 8 teaspoons, or 2 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons.