

What is 3 ft squared?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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3FT [] or [3]ft or 333333333

3 3

3 3

3 feet 3

3 3


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Q: What is 3 ft squared?
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What is the area of a rectangle 5 ft x 3 ft?

15 feet squared

What is 500 ft squared?

500 ft squared would be 250,000 ft.

Is 3 ft squared equal to 9 sq feet?

Yes, indeed. 3 feet squared is 9 square feet.

How many sq ft in a 30m2?

From "Fluid Mechanics" by Streeter & Wylie (c) 1979 .3048m = 1 ft so... .3048 squared meters squared = 1 squared ft squared or... .0929 meters squared = 1 ft squared or... 1 ft squared /.0929 meters squared = 10.7639 ft squared/ meters squared so... 30 m2 times 10.7639 ft2/m2 = 322.9173 meters squared Answer: 322.9173 meters squared

What is the unit rate for 207000 ft squared?

It is 207000 ft squared!

Convert 270 feet to yards squared?

270 ft squared is for example 30 ft x 9 ft. this can be converted as 10 yards x 3 yards which is 30 square yards.

What is 6ft squared?

6 (feet squared) = 0.55741824 m26 (ft squared) = 6 ft^2

How many sq ft in a 3 ft circle?

There are: pi*1.5 squared = 7.069 square feet rounded to 3 decimal places

How many yards squared in 333 feet squared?

okay, so 9 square ft (3' x 3') is a square yard... that was the hard part. Now just do the math: 333 (ft) divided by 9 (ft) = 37 square yards. Unless you meant 333 ft squared (333 x 333 = 110,889). that is a TOTALLY different answer... 12,321 square yards.

How many sq ft in a 3 ft diameter circle?

There are: pi*1.5 squared = 7.069 square feet rounded to 3 decimal places

How many square yards are there in 288 sq ft?

A square yard has 3 squared square feet; divide 288 by 3 squared: 32 sq. yd.

How many sq ft in a 4 ft diameter circle?

There are: pi*2 squared = 12.566 square feet to 3 dp