

What is 4 cubic meter's weight?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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15y ago

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It would depend on the contents of the cubic meter, 4 cubic meters of air would not have a measureable weight, and 4 cubes of sand/gravel would weigh considerably more.

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Q: What is 4 cubic meter's weight?
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Convert cubic meters in kilograms? No can do. Cubic meters is a volume, kilos are weight. Unless you know the density you can't get an answer.

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0.11 cubic meters of what? The weight in tons of 0.11 cubic meters will depend upon the substance and its density.

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It all depends upon the density of the substance. 4.8kg of Hydrogen [gas] will take up much, much more cubic meters than 4.8kg of Mercury.Cubic meters are a measure of volume whereas kilograms are a measure of weight. Volume and weight are related by density = weight ÷ volume - the lower the density, the greater the volume for the same weight!

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This is not a valid conversion. kg is a measure of weight or mass and cubic meters is a measure of volume.

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This is not a valid conversion. kg is a unit of mass or weight and cubic meters is a measure of volume.

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The volume of 4 meters by 2 meters by 12 centimeters is 4 meters x 2 meters x 0.12 meters, or 0.96 cubic meters. That's just a bit less than a cubic meter.

How do you convert cubic meter of plastering into tons?

You will need to know the weight of the plastering. If you identify a weight per cubic meter, multiply it by the number of cubic meters that you have.

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Four million

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It's called "volume", not "area".The volume is (4 x 1.3 x 1.3) = 6.76 cubic meters

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First you need to determine how many meters is equivilent to 4 foot. 4 ft = 1.2192 meters Then you multiply that by 90 sq. meters to determine the cubic meters. 1.2192*90 = 109.728 The answer is 109.728 cubic meters

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... cubic square what? Meters? Yards? equals in cubic feet?