

What is 57 times 12?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is 57 times 12?
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4 with remainder 9.

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Let x be Kate's age. In 4 years, 3 times her age is 57 So first , in 4 years, she will be x+4 years old Now 3 times that is 3(x+4)= 3x+12 and that is 57 so 3x+12=57 or 3x=57-12=45 x=45/3=15 So she is 15 years old Let's check. In 4 years she is 19 and 19 times 3 is 57.

How many feet in 57 inches?

you can always just divide 57 by 12 but if you dont know here's a good way the closest multiple of 12 to 57 is 48 (12 times 4=48) so then just subtract 57-48=9 so 57 inches is 4 feet and 9 inches.

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It is: 12/21 times 100 = 57.'142857'% recurring decimal '142857'

80 inches times 57 inches equals how many square feet?

80" * 57" = 4560 sq inches = 4560/(12*12) = 31.66.. sq ft

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57 times 98 = 5586 57 times 98 is 5586.

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LCM of 12 and 57 is 228.

What is 57 times 57?

57 x 57 = 3,249