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7.8*1022 is called scientific notation or standard form

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Q: What is 7.8 times 10 to the power of 22 and what would you call this number?
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To find the answer to this question, you would need to multiply ten by itself 100,000 times, which would be an immense number.

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The number raised to the fourth power

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Let's call the number XTwice the number would be 2XFour times the same number would be 4XThe sum of these two is 2X + 4X = 6XThe answer is therefore six times the number.

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Assuming the first digit is 1, you can call this "ten to the power 700".

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If a number is to the power of 2 it is "squared". The number that is squared is the "root".

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5 to the second power is read as 5 squared because it is 52 or 5 times 5 or 25. We call a square number for ex: 4 (2 times 2), 16 (4 times 4), et cetera. 8 is not a square number being that none of its factors are a number times itself.

When the power goes out what number do you call?

If the power goes out and you DON'T see wires down outside, call your local electric utility. If, in fact you DO see wires down, you should probably call your local police department so they can block off the area. DO NOT attempt to move anything near a downed power line. Treat all downed wires as if they are live.

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He is either scared or a jerk

What do you call an odd number factor?

I would call an odd number factor a factor that is an odd number. I would call a number with an odd number of factors a perfect square.