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First we set out the problem:

7/10 divided by 1 1/6

Since 1 and 1 over 6 is a mixed fraction we have to convert it into a improper fraction which is 7/6 (6x1=6+1=7) Now our problem looks like this:

7/10 divided by 7/6

We look at the denominators and think "what number can they both fit into?"

They can both fit into 30 (10x3=30 and 6x5=30) What we do to the bottom, we must do to the top. so 7x3= 21 so: 21/30

Now 7x5=35 so 35/30

Now it looks like this: 21/30 divided by 35/30

Since this is a division problem, we have to FLIP the second fraction, and as we are flipping, we are turning this into a multiplication problem:

21/30 divided by 30/35. Now to make this easier, we can CROSS CANCEL.

Now 30 goes into 30 once so we can cross both of them out and leave a 1.

21/1 MULTIPLIED by 35/1 = 21 x 35 which equals 735.

I know this all looks complicated but it really isn't. Keep practising and you'll get there!

Note: I'm 8

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