

What is Avogadro's mass?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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13y ago

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6.0221415 × 1023this number represents the number of molecules in a "mol" of a substance
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Q: What is Avogadro's mass?
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How do you convert from atoms to mass and from mass to atoms?

moles to atoms you multiply the number of moles by avogadros number ex: 1.32 mol x (6.022 x 10^23 atoms)/mol mass to atoms you multiply the mass (in grams) times the molar mass of the element or compound (ex: N 14.01 mols/gram) then times avogadros number once you have the moles. ex: 45.6 g N x (14.01 mol/gram) x (6.022 x 10 ^23 atoms/mol) if it's a compound instead of an element, find the molar mass of the compound (the molar masses of all the elements in it added up) and multiply by it. ------------------------- Actually you are wrong, from mass to atoms you need to take the initial mass divide by the gram of the element that you are doing and multiply by the Avogadros number

How can the mass of an atom from the periodic be represented in respect to moles?

The mass of a single atom would be the mass of one mole of that element, divided by Avogadros number. So for example calcium, Ca, would be 40/6.02214129×1023 mol−1

How do you convert grams to moles using avogadros number?

You don't need to use Avogadro's number, you need the mass of the molecule in atomic units. Mass / molecular mass = moles eg for water, 36 grams / 18 atomic units = 2 moles

Avogadros number of phosphorus P atoms would have a mass of?

By saying Avogadro's number of atoms, you are saying one mole (or 6.02 × 1023 atoms). And one mole of any elements is its atomic mass. Phosphorus' atomic mass is 31.0 grams

How many moles of atoms are in 6.0221023 atoms Ne?

1. 6.022 X 1023 is Avogadros number (Avogadros constant) the number of atoms in a mole.

What is the mass of one atom of calcium?

You can work this out by dividing the molecular mass of calcium, 40, by Avogadros number, 6.02214129(27)×1023 mol−1 This will give you the answer as the molecular mass of an element is the combined weight of the number of atoms that make up one mole, which is the same as Avogadros number.

How do you say 6.02X1023 in plain form?

Its avogadros number

In Avogadros number is defined as the number of particles in?

A mole.

How many silver atoms are there in 3.78 of silver?

2.11 x 10^22 This is how you figure it out: 3.78g divided by 107.87(the atomic mass of silver). Then you multiply the number you get by 6.022x10^23 (Avogadros number). And that's your answer.

What is a mole of carbon?

6.02*10^23atoms (avogadros constant)

What is moles of carbon?

6.02*10^23atoms (avogadros constant)