

What is Bernoulli's theory?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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16y ago

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This is a very simple explanation that I have given to my Grade 6 students. Bernoulli's Theory, which originally was applied to his research in fluids & medicine (particularly blood pressure), helps explain how planes fly. He discovered the principal that the pressure of a fluid decreases when its speed or velocity increase, this prinicpal was also later discovered to apply to air pressure as well. This helps us to understand that when a plane is speeding up for take off, the faster it goes the less air pressure is exerted on it and therefore the plane is able to 'lift-off' the ground and fly. A plane that does not obtain sufficient speed on the ground, for its size & weight, may not be able to take off successfully.

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Bernoullis principle states that the faster a fluid moves the less pressure the fluid exerts?

Yes. A+

Bernoullis principle about air velocity and pressure?

velocity and pressure have inverse relation. when velocity increases then pressure at that point decrease and vice versa.

Explain in detail what Bernoullis Principle is?

§ Like a airplane wing, at the top it is curved, and that creates longer distance from front to back then the straight bottom. This causes the air on top to travel farther and thus faster to reach the back, then the air underneath, is creating a difference in pressure between two surfaces

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Bernoulli's Principle

How does air act like a fluid as it has speed?

because it flows from cold to warm areas and around solid objects. Which is what bernoullis principle is based on. the basis of flight..

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You cannot use Bernoulli's equation because the rocks would create a turbulent flow and you need a steady flow to use Bernoulli's equation. It could (in theory) but you would need accurate measurements of size shape and placement of each of the rocks involved. It would be a nightmare just to accumulate the data.