

What is Linear momentum measured in?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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Linear momentum of an object is its mass times its velocity. Since momentum does not have a unit name of its own its units are whatever you use for mass & velocity. The SI units would be Kg-M/S . The cgs units would be gm-cm/S , and the English units would be Slug-Ft/S . It can also be expressed in terms of force units. SI: Newton-Sec. , Cgs :dyne-Sec, English: Pound-Sec.

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The linear momentum of a system of particles is simply the vector sum of the linear momentum of each of the particles.

What is the formula of linear momentum?

linear momentum=product of mass and velocity

What is physical significance of linear momentum?

The same as momentum - sometimes called "linear momentum" to distinguish it from angular momentum. Linear momentum is the product of mass times velocity. It is a conserved quantity, making it very useful for certain calculations.

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Impulse is integral of linear momentum with respect to time, and in limits when that momentum was transferred.

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angular mmtm is a cross product unlike linear momentum

What is momentam?

The moment of linear momentum is called angular momentum. or The vector product of position vector and linear momentum is called angular momentum.

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Angular momentum is defined as the moment of linear momentum about an axis. So if the component of linear momentum is along the radius vector then its moment will be zero. So radial component will not contribute to angular momentum

When is linear momentum conserved?

Linear momentum is conserved until an external force is applied.

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it works on the basis of conservation of linear momentum

What is physical significance of momentum?

Physically, linear momentum is "stored force" as that momentum is dissipated. Consider the linear momentum of a train carrying coal coming to a stop, quickly.

Why is angular momentum NOT measured in kg m2 rad s-1?

For the same reason it's not measured in buckets of rotten fish: because those would not be the correct units. Angular momentum is the cross product of the linear momentum and the position vector relative to the center of rotation. If you do a dimensional analysis, you'll see that the proper units are joule-seconds.

The product of an object mass and velocity is called its What?

That's the object's linear momentum.