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Q: What is One less than the quotient of a number and four is two?
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How do you write the quotient of twice a number and six is four less than three times the same number?

the quotient of twice a number and six is.... 2x/6 four less than three times the same number is .... 3x-4 So the equation would be 2x/6=3x-4

Why is the quotient greater than a whole number less than one?

The quotient need not be greater than a whole number less than one!

When you divide a whole number by a fraction less than one will the quotient be greater than or less than the whole number?

When you divide a number by a fraction between zero and one, the quotient will be greater than that number.

What is the translation of Four is no less than the quotient of a number x and 2.1.?

4 >= x / 2.1

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When you divide a mixed number by a fraction less than 1 will the quotient be greater or less than the whole number?

It will be greater.

When you divide a fraction by a whole number greater than one how does the quotient compare to the fraction?

The quotient is less than the fraction.

What is the algebraic expression for the quotient of 2 less than twice a number and 4?

To say that 2 is less than twice a number and four means, algebraically, that 2 < 2x + 4. This simplifies to -2 < 2x or x > -1. This is not a quotient, however, so perhaps your question was not clearly worded.

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Any number below 6 has a quotient less than 1.

When you divide a unit fraction by a whole number will the quotient be greater than or less than the unit fraction?

The quotient will be less. 1/2 ÷ 2 = 1/4

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