

What is TZA HH logic in EG process?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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What is a hh?

Firearms If your in the proper forum... H&H stands for Holland and Holland, a British manufacture of large bore "dangerous game" rifles. Health In health care settings, an H&H stands for "History and Physical". you measure the height of horses in HH eg: 16.3hh

Which source of genetic variation produces the greatest variety?

Heterozygote X HeterozygoteEg.Hh X Hh- produces HH, 2 Hh, hh = 3 different genotypesWhereas:HH X hh- produces all HhAnd HH X HH- produces all HH

What is the phenotype of offspring that are hh?

Make a punnett square! 50% Hh 50% hh

A plant with two recessive genes for height is crossed with a plant with one dominant and one recessive gene for height What genes will their offspring have?

hh X Hh You get two recessives; hh and hh and two heterozygous plants; Hh and Hh

What genotype could be described as heterozygous?

Yes - Hh is heterozygous. HH is homozygous, and hh is homozygous.

A mother has Hh and a father has hh which genotype will make their child not have hair on the back of his or her hand?

H is a dominant trait for the hair color red. The trait for white hair is recessiv.The parents genotypes are HH x hh.What will the genotype of the offspring be?

why ng hh hh?

No answer funny random words

What does HH mean for helicopters?

Hospital Helicopter (HH)

When hybrids are crossed what is the genotype of the offspring?

The term "hybrid" in biology means one who carries different alleles for the same trait. For example, a hybrid plant's genotype for height is Hh. When crossing two hybrids, we are performing this operation: Hh x Hh. The offsprings' genotypes can vary from: HH Hh hh