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Q: What is a Moderate Special Ed class and how many students is allowed in the class?
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A special class day class also called a SDC class is a special education classroom where students spend all or part of their day receiving special education services. They are not in the general classroom and they are with other students who are in special education. Classrooms are typically smaller than a general education classroom and students can have different disabilities or they can be a specialized SDC classroom for specific disabilities such as autism. They are usually mild/moderate or moderate/severe and have the teacher and paraeducators in the room working with students.

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why are mobile phones are allowed in college?

Yes , the mobile is not allowed in college campus because when the students are learning in the class, the students plays the games or see the videos in the class . and its very bad for the students future . And if the mobile is allowed in college campus then while the student entering in the class the mobile will be swited off or in silent mode.

Should students be allowed to sit anywhere in class?

yes students should be allowed to sit any where in class. As long as they can pay attention[:

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it depends on the teacher, school, country and wether or not your allowed to wat the snack in class

Are teachers allowed to hold students against their will after class?

Violates the Geneva Convention's Act on Collective Punishment

Why phone should not be allowed in school?

So that students can learn how to spell "allowed" instead of playing Angry Birds during class time.

Why should students be allowed to pick their own class?

They shouldn't. They should all be required to take English class so that they can tell the difference between "there" and "their".

Should students be allowed to drink sodas in class?

Not in class. Maybe at lunchtime. Teachers don't want kids jumping off the walls (not literally).

Why do class ranks matter to students?

It can lead to bullying, lack of self esteem and favouritism, so it should NOT be allowed

Are there any special programs that may benefit high school students?

The Spanish to English class at Colony.

A mother uses 12 yards of fabric to make 4 costumes for students in the special chorus class. How many yards will she need to make costumes for all 11 students in the class?

33 yards at that rate.