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In English the blinking line is called the "cursor". English-speakers have used the term with this meaning since the 16th century, for a wide variety of movable or mobile position-markers.

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Q: What is a blinking line that indicates the point of operation on the screen?
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What is the blinking vertical bar that indicates where graphics will be inserted?

cursor insertion point

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insertion point

Is a blinking vertical line that indicates where the next typed character will appear.?

The blinking vertical light is called the cursor, I-bar or Insertion Point.

What is a blinking vertical line that indicates where the next typed character will appear?

The blinking vertical light is called the cursor, I-bar or Insertion Point.

In windows 7 what represented by a blinking cursor and indicates where information will be entered into your document?

Insertion Point

What is the Blinking line when typing?

The blinking line that indicates where the text will appear when you start typing is called the insertion point (sometimes also known as the active cell).

What is the blinking vertical bar the indicates where text graphic and other items will be inserted?

cursor or insertion point indicator

A blinking vertical line that indicates where the next character typed will display?

Insertion point cursor

Blinking vertical bar that indicates where items will be inserted?

The bar itself is called a cursor, and the point at which the cursor sits is called the "insertion point."

What is a Point of Insertion?

A point of insertion is also called the insertion point. The point of insertion is the place, or point, in a graphics program where the next character that you type will show on the screen. The point is typically shown with a vertical line that is blinking.

When you type in your password you see a blinking vertical bar What is this called and what is its purpose?

It is called a cursor and tells you that the keyboard entry will start at this point on the screen.

What is a blinking vertical?

insertion point