

What is a comets orbital velocity?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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14y ago

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That depends on the comet.

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Q: What is a comets orbital velocity?
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Orbital velocity, or Close orbital velocity.

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Pluto is the planet that has the lowest orbital velocity relative to that of the earth. The orbital velocity of Pluto is 0.159.

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the approximate value of orbital velocity is about 8km/hr.

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Orbital velocity refers to the speed at which a planet travels in its orbit.

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because of their velocity

What is the difference between escape velocity and orbital velocity?

Escape velocity is the velocity that an object needs in order to reach infinite distance, wherein the force will equal to zero. Orbital velocity is the velocity of an object so it can stay in orbit.

What is the difference between orbital velocity and angular velocity?

Orbital Velocity is calculated in m/s where as angular velocity is calculated in rad/s.. Answer is very clear.. angular velocity is calculated when body is rotating around a axis and a reference point is needed to calculate it.. where as orbital velocity is calculated when body is moving around a bado in circular path, nt around itself... e.g. Earth rotates around so it have angular velocity .. it also rotates around sun in orbit so it has Orbital velocity also :)

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