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you compare something

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Q: What is a comparison situation in math?
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What is a comparison in math terms?

A comparison in math terms is when you see if two problems are equal to each other.

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What is a comparison word problem in math?

comparing answers

What does or mean in math?

"Or" is usually placed between two questions or answers in math when a comparison is involved.

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A degree of correspondence or comparison between two math values.

What is a math explaining situation?

a solution

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it is something that changes

What is inter firm comparison?

Inter-firm comparison is where you compare your particular firm or business to that of another business who are in a similar situation

What experimental situation used as the basis of comparison is the?

control group

What is mathematical comparison statements?

A comparison statement is just what it sounds like. it compares two or more things in a statement. Example: Hermione is 3 inches shorter than Ron and Luna. or the 3rd hour math class is harder than the 1st and 5th hour math classes. You are probably thinking that this is a comparison statement that should be used in language, not math, but in reality the only difference between the two is the data put into them.

What is the definition of maximum in math?

The definition of a maximum in math is very simple. A maximum is a number that nothing can exceed in that situation.

What comparison does the author use to describe the family's situation?

The author compares the family's situation to a sinking ship, emphasizing the desperation and helplessness of their circumstances.