

What is a constant input?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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11y ago

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An input that does not change over time.

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Q: What is a constant input?
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Energy input remains constant and voltage remains the same in a curcit but current decreses what must be happening?

- If energy input is constant, then (E x I) is constant. - If 'E' is constant, then 'I' must also be constant. - Your ammeter must be failing.

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No, it does not necessarily mean that the system is linear. A linear system will exhibit a constant scaling property, which means that if the input is multiplied by a constant, the output will also be multiplied by the same constant. It is possible for a system to have an output of zero for a zero input, but still be non-linear if it does not exhibit the scaling property.

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that a system with no energy input and no losses will tend towards a zero energy state. This is essentially the entropy of any energy exchange. Thus, you require a constant input of energy to maintain any system.

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The resistance is decreasing

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In a standard transformer, the ratio of input volts to output volts remains constant.

Does every function have a domain and range?

yes, bcoz evey function gives some output for input. Except constant function.

Why the magnetization current is not sinusoidal even though the input voltage is sinusoidal?

In ferromagnetic materials,such as electrical steel,the magnetisation curve is not a straight line,or else the relation B=μH is not linear ( μ is not constant),H is linear function of magnetization current,while B is linear function of input voltage ,so we have : Im=f(μ)U,where f(μ) is not constant,Im=magnetization (magnetizing) current, U=input voltage. I hope this will help.

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After 5 time constants, capacitor voltage/current will be about 99.3% of the input step change.

78xx regulater as a constant current source?

The 78xx regulater can be used as a constant current source, by connecting the output to the input side of a series resistor, and the "ground" to the other side of the resistor. Do not connect the "ground" to real ground - leave it floating.Since the 78xx maintains a constant voltage differential between output and ground, there would be a constant current through the resistor.