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Q: What is a flat surface with one end higher than the other a slope?
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What has a flat surface that is higher on one end than the other?

inclined plane ,thats a flat surface that is higher on one end.IsNT IT WHAT YOU WHERE LOOKING FOR ?

What is a word for a flat slope surface?

It is an incline.

Will a basketball bounce higher on a flat surface or a rocky surface?

the basketball will most likely bounce higher on a flat surface

What is a flat surface that is higher on one end than the other?

A ramp is a flat surface that is higher on one end than the other, sloping upward to allow for easier movement between different levels.

Is the wheels on your chair an inclined plane?

No they are not. An inclined plane is a flat surface which has a slope to it i.e. it is flat but not level.



Is a simple machine has a flat surface with one end higher than the other?

No, a simple machine is a mechanical device that helps make work easier. A flat surface with one end higher than the other is not typically considered a simple machine, but rather a ramp or inclined plane.

What is a flat surface with one end raised higher than the other?

That sounds like a ramp to me.

What is flat slope?

Flat slope is slope equals zero.

What type of simple machine that has a flat surface with one and higher than the other one?

That sounds like an inclined plane. It is a simple machine with a flat surface that is tilted at an angle, allowing objects to be moved from a lower to a higher position with less force.

A steep slope with flat plateau?

steep slope with a flat plateau on top

Does a heavier toy car go faster than a lighter toy car?

If there's a slope down the faster one would be the heavy one. On a flat surface with no slope, the light one may start off much quicker; Although, the lighter one has a higher chance of flipping over.