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A concave pentagon.

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Q: What is a irregular five sided shape with one reflex angle?
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What five sided shape has one right angle?

An irregular pentagon.

What is a five sided shape with one right angle called?

An irregular pentagon.

Can you have a reflex angle in a hexagon?

Yes, it is possible to have a reflex angle in an irregular hexagon. The requirement is that the sum of the interior angles is 720 degrees. The other angles just have to be smaller to compensate.

What is a 7-sided polygon with an interior right angle?

The equation for the size of an interior angle of an n-sided regular polygon is (n-2)180/n. When n=7, the interior angle of a regular sided shape would be 5x180/7 or approximately 128.57. The polygon in the question has an interior right angle (90 degree angle) and thus cannot be a regular shape. A 7 sided shape is called a heptagon. Thus, the shape described in the question is an irregular heptagon.

What is an irregular 6 sided shape called?

An irregular hexagon.

What do you call a 12 sided irregular shape?

An irregular dodecagon.

What is a 3 sided shape with a right angle?

a 3 sided shape is a right angle triangle

What is a quadrilateral where each angle is right angle?

A Square and Rectangle are both a Quadrilaterals(A four sided shape)and have both have 4 Right Angles.In addition,a irregular Quadrilateral(A four sided shape of no sides of the same length)may have a right angle( A 90 degrees angle)but it depends on how you draw it on paper.Cretth 2010

Is a pentagon a irregular shape or regular shape?

A 5 sided pentagon can be a regular or an irregular polygon.

What is a 6 sided irregular shape?

Any six sided 2-dimensional shape is a hexagon; in this case, 'irregular' is placed before it to indicate it is so.

Is a dodecagon regular or irregular?

It is a 12 sided shape that can be either regular or irregular

What is 38 sided shape called?

an irregular polygon