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Q: What is a negative consequence of producing a large number of offspring?
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Alcoholism can have a number of negative effects among offspring. They include a disruptive family life, violence, lower income, broken home, etc.

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The negative of a negative number is a positive number.

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Is there a case where a value a value cannot be part of a domain?

A number that produces a new kind of number would limit the domain. For example if I was taking a square root I couldn't use a negative value with producing an imaginary number. In a quadratic equation there are times when you won't make a negative number like y^2=x. x will never be negative because the square of any real number is a positive.

What is a negative number divided by a negative number?

A negative number divided by a negative number is a positive number.

How do you find recombination frequencies on a chromosome?

Recombination frequency = (Recombinant offspring) / (Total offspring) i.e. the recombination frequency is calculated by taking the number of recombinant offspring and dividing it by the total number of offspring.

What does a negative number plus a negative number equal?

A negative plus a negative still gives a negative answer.

What is a negtive number subtracted by a negative number equal?

negative number subtracted FROM a negative number will be negative

Is a negative number added to a negative number positive or negative?

The answer to a problem that has a negative number added to a negative number would be negative.It would be a negative

What does a negative number multiplied by a negative number equal to?

A positive number. Positive Number x Positive Number = Positive Number Positive Number x Negative Number = Negative Number Negative Number x Negative Number = Positive Number

Does a negative number minus a negative number equal a positive or negative number?


Average number of offspring for a black bear?

the average offspring of a bear is 2. But the offspring depends on the species.