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Q: What is a number system you use today?
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Who developed the number system we use today?

The number system that we use today is called the Hindu-Arabic system and it originated in India in the 6th or 7th century.

What is Hindu-Arabic number and number words?

It is the system of numeracy that we use today.

What empire developed the number system you use today?


Our own number system0-9 is based on the system?

The number system that we use today is based on the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

How do you use Egyptian numbers today?

The ancient Egyptian number system is no longer in use.

How the base 10 number system help people in ancient India?

It is the number system that we use today, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 , if that helps.

What were more accomplishments of India and its use today?

The current number system that we use is originally from India.

What is the base of the number system the Mayans invented?

The Mayans based on the 20 number system because of 10 fingers and 10 toes. The Mayan number was very useful to the Mayans in the past. Today, they use the modern number system we use today.

Did the Romans make a number system which we still use today?

NO the ancient greece did

What is a number system which uses a base of 10 The valid digits are 0 to 9.?

It is the number system that we now use today and it is the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

What number system do you use in your daily lives?

Today it is the Hindu-Arabic numeral system but in the Middle Ages it was the Roman numeral system.

What is complete number system?

One of them is the Hindu-Arabic numeral system which we use today and another is the Roman numeral system which was used by the ancient Romans