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Q: What is a number where the millions digit is 4 times the hundreds digit?
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How do you solve place value of an 8 digit number?

The places are always the same no matter what the digits are. The value is obtained by multiplying the place times the digit. Starting from the right, the places in an 8-digit number are ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions and ten millions.

What is a number between 75 and 100 whose tens digit is three times the ones digit and the sum of the digits is five and the hundreds digit and the ones digit are the same?

There is no number. 100 is the only one that has a hundreds digit. It's impossible.

In a four digit number the sum of the thousands and hundreds digits is 3 The tens digit is 4 times the hundreds digit The ones?

this question doesnt make sense

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481, 482, 484

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1.382 OR 0.000 or 2831

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