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Q: What is a number with a 5 in the ten thousands place?
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What number in 123456789 is in the ten thousands place?

5 is the number in the ten thousands place.

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The number "5", or the fifth number from the right is in the ten thousands' place.

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Place values increase by ten times. This 5 is in the ten thousands place (the fifth from the right). The 5 you're looking for is in the hundred thousands place (the sixth from the right). Thus the number is 5 hundred thousand.

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If you look at the number 6,172,438, the number in the ten thousands place would be 7. Look at the number in the place before that, which is the thousands place, which is a 2. Since 2 is lower than 5 you round down, so 6,172,438 rounded to the ten thousands place would be 6,172,000.

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The 5 is in the ten thousands place.