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Could be a pilar cyst. Or not. You shouldn't use this site for medical diagnoses. See a doctor. A dermatologist, in this case.

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Q: What is a one-inch hard lump with swelling two inches in diamater around it on your upper left forehead with no known injury or bites?
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How long does it take for swelling on your forehead goes away after a hard hit on cement?

First, swelling is a good sign, it means fluid is not building up inside your brain. It may take several hours to decrease. Be aware of dizziness or slurred speech, this may be a sign of a concussion. Based on personal experience, swelling on the forehead will go down after a day or two, but then the area around the eyes will swell as this is where the blood drains to. After about 4 days, the swelling will fade away.

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The average diameter of a dildo is around 2 to 3 inches.

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Paronychia is swelling and infection of soft tissue around a nail.

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A widows peak, as it relates to hair, refers to the scalp hair around the forehead coming to a "V" at the center of the forehead.

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There are a variety of symptoms that one might experience when suffering from sinusitis. Some of the symptoms are pressure, redness or swelling around the cheeks, eyes or forehead or possibly a fever. There is often a thick yellow or green mucus from the nose and the face may be tender to touch.

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The bursae around the hip joint are deeper, and swelling is not obvious.

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Harriet Tubman got hit in the forehead by the weight leaving a big gash. That is why she always wore a bandana around her forehead.

What is Periorbital edema?

"puffy eyes" or swelling around the eyes

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on there face and around above the chin and below the forehead and well, on there face

How can you tell if you have pinkeye?

swelling around the eyelid, redness in the eye and around, itchiness in eye area

What causes sudden hearing loss and swelling of one side of face?

An ear infection can cause minimal swelling to moderate swelling around the ear, and can also cause hearing loss that can become permanent.