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More info needed. Are the 2 lines parallel, perpendicular, or? are the angles that you are interested in on opposite sides of the intersecting line or the same side.

The intersecting line is called a transversal. If the original lines are parallel, angles between the 2 lines on opposite sides of the transversal are called alternate interior angles, etc.

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Q: What is a pair of angles formed by two lines intersected by a third line?
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What starts with an l and is a pair of angles formed by two lines intersected by the third line?

Possibly an isosceles triangle

A pair of angles formed by two lines intersected by a third?

There are at least 28 different pairs of angles: 66 if the first two lines are not parallel. Your question needs to be more specific as to which angles you mean.

When two lines are both intersected by a third line the non-adjacent angles which are in the interior of the two lines and on opposite sides of the intersecting line are called?

If the intersected lines are parallel then the angles are called equal alternate angles

What is the angles on the inner sides of two lines intersected by a third line?

Any angle that you like.

If two angles are not vertical then they are not nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines?

False. The angles can be formed by two skew lines intersecting a third line.

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Bob Marley dog named Philbert the purple pooping panda

What is it called when two parallel lines are intersected by a third line?

The third line is known as a transversal.

If two parallel planes are intersected by a third plane the lines of intersection are parallel.?

Yes, they are.

What is a angle on the inner sides of two lines intersected by a third line?

Here a diagram would be great and help visualize your question. My quick though is that unless the first two lines are parallel, they must intersect at some point. With this assumption (not parallel) a triangle is formed and the inner angles a, b and c would add up to 180 degrees.

What does it look to have two parallel lines that are intersected by a third line perpendicular to the parallel lines?

It looks like a ladder with only one step, a railroad track with only one tie, or the upper-case letter ' H '.

What is the greatest number of right angles that a triangle can contain?

1 (APEX) A triangle is formed by three lines. If the ends of two lines meet to form a right-angle (90 degrees), the third line can only form angles less than 90 degrees. 90 + 45 + 45 = 180 the three angles must total 180 degrees.

What quadrilateral has two right angles one set of parallel lines and two sets of perpendicular lines?

If by two sets of perpendicular lines you mean two pairs of perpendicular lines we can do it. One set of parallel lines is easy so draw that as the first and second lines A right angle from one of them will intersect the other at a right angle so that's the third line and the right angles sorted. The fourth side cannot be parallel to the third so draw it at an angle to the third. We now have two right angles, one set of parallel lines and two pairs of perpendicular lines, first and third, and second and third. What we call it depends on where we are. In the UK it is called a trapezium and in the USA a trapezoid. I'm afraid I don't know naming conventions in other countries.