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Q: What is a pattern that can be folded to form a three-dimensional figure?
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What is a two-dimensional figure that can be folded to form a solid?

The net of a cube

2D pattern folded to form a polyhedron?

Can be. It would be the net of the polyhedron.

What is a two-dimensional pattern that you can fold to form a three-dimensional figure?

A net is a two-dimensional pattern that you can fold to form a three-dimensional figure.

What is the two dimensional pattern that you can fold to form a 3d figure?

A net.A 2-dimensional pattern that you can fold to make a 3-dimensional figure is called a net.For instance, make a letter 'T' out of 6 squares. The vertical part of the T has 4 squares, and the horizontal part has 3 squares (one square is common to both) . This net can be folded to make a cube.

How long does it take for a folded mountain to form?

It takes 20 years for a folded mountain to form

What does folded mountains form?

In some cases, the folded crust can be pushed up high enough to form mountains.

Where do folded belts form?


These mountains form from compression.?


How folded mountain ranges form?

lithosphere plates collide forming the folded mountains!

How many circles would you find in a net that can be folded to form a cylinder *?

How many circles would you find in a net that can be folded to form a cylinder? *

What are Folded layers of rock that form a wavelike pattern of troughs and crests called?

The most common of these are anticlines and synclines; anticlines are the "crests", while synclines are the "troughs".

What land form do folded rock layers create?

Folded rock layers create monoclines, synclines and anticlines.