

Best Answer

Anything from 51% to 74%.

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Q: What is a percentage between one half and three fourth?
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Related questions

What is between one fourth and three fourths?

One half.

What fraction is between one half and one fourth?

A fraction between one half (1/2) and one fourth (1/4) is three eights (3/8).

What is between two and one half's two three and fourth?

2 and 5/8

What is three fourth - one fourth?

One half.

If husband is one half sicilian and one half napeltano and wife is three fourths sicilian and one fourth napletano what percentage are the children of each?

Sicilian 125% Napletano 75%

What is two and a half plus three fourths?

three and one fourth

How many tablespoons is one and three fourth ounces?

Three and a half.

What is half of three fourth pounds?

three eigths or 3/8

What is three half's as a percentage?

Three halves is 1.5%.

How many one half are there in three fourth?


What is three fourth - one and a half?


What is the least to greatest fractions one half or three fifth or one fourth?

From least to greatest: one fourth, one half, and three fifths. I hope this helped!