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decimal point

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Q: What is a point separates the whole number from parts of a whole?
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What is dot separates whole number from arts of whole?

Is is called the decimal point.

What separates whole number and fractional part of decimal number?

Decimal point

Why is a decimal point important?

The decimal point separates a WHOLE number from a FRACTION of a number. For example 1 cookie is one whole cookie whereas .1 of a cookie is one-tenth of a cookie.

Why is a decimal smaller than a whole number?

A decimal number is not always smaller than a whole number. This is a decimal number 2.45 The number on the left of the decimal point shows the whole numbers. The numbers on the right of the point shows the parts/fractions. This number is not a whole number .098 This number is a whole number 2.00 This number has whole numbers and parts/fractions of the whole 2.098

What separates the whole number from the fraction?


Why do you add a decimal point in math with numbers?

To the left of a decimal point are whole numbers. On the right of a decimal point are parts of a whole number.

What number is larger .004 or 4.00?

4.00 is larger. The whole numbers are always on the left side of the decimal point. The frations or parts are on the right side of the decimal point. So 4 is a whole number .004 is 4 parts of a whole number, it is 4/1000

What does the word decimal mean in math?

An decimal is an point that separates a whole number from its fractional part expressed as fractions of ten (tenths, hundredths, etc.)

Is 9.6 and integer?

No, 9.6 is a floating-point number. Integers are whole numbers without fractional parts.

What is the difference between a decimal and a decimal point?

A decimal is a value, a decimal point separates the whole number from the fraction.EG 12.34 is a decimal, the point is the dot in the middle...a decimal is a group of number combined to make a number problem and a decimal point divides it so you wont get confusedEX: candy bar $ 1.50 without the decimal point $150

Why can't you multiply whole number parts by whole number parts and fractional parts by fractional parts?

you can It is possible to multiply any number by any other number, if you know how it is done.

Which is greater 3.7 or 0.370?

In decimal numbers the whole number is always written on the left side of the decimal point. Parts or fractions are written on the right of the decimal point. 3.7 has 3 whole numbers 0.370 has got no whole numbers it only has parts of a whole number (37/100) So what do you think, which one is greater